Ariawyn Ferrand-Ruhne


"I am but a flower, once withered and shadowed, now reborn into a garden of light and love."


  • name: ariawyn ferrand

  • nicknames: aria / ari / wyn

  • age: 32 summers

  • race: au'ra [raen]

  • name day: 13th sun of the 6th astral moon [ november 12th ]

  • sexuality: hetero-demisexual

  • occupation: herbalist / shop: the herb garden

  • marital status: married to vael'a ruhne

  • job(s): astrologian [main] / red mage / dancer / white mage


  • hair color: brown

  • eye color: cerulean blue

  • height: 4' 8"

  • body type: petite & curvy

  • tattoos/scars: n/a


  • likes: teas / plants / books / animals (especially chocobos and korpokkurs)

  • dislikes: bitter foods / abuse or unnecessary violence / feeling useless

  • hobbies: gardening / tea brewing / sewing / swimming

  • weapon: her main weapon is a staff with a hidden rapier blade attached to it.

  • birth place: ishgard

  • guardian: llymlaen, the navigator

  • her official title is synergist [combat healer]

  • she has a pet weasel named cotton, based on how cotton soft its fur is. aria found it injured while out gathering and nursed it back to health.

  • aria has the gift of aethersight

"You wish to learn my story? Well, let me make some tea...for it is a long one to tell."

the story of ariawyn

Ariawyn originally hails from Ishgard; born as the only child to a loving auri couple who traversed the lands from from the east. They had but a simple dream to venture to other lands to enjoy the adventure and learn new things. However, their nomadic ways came to a halt when they came upon Ishgard. It was in that snowy city that the couple could neither turn a blind eye or ignore the cries of the people who were desperate to survive when none would aid them.Her parents settled down in the city to help the people of Ishgard any way they could. Ariawyn's father was a skilled hunter and healer in the more traditional manner with herbs, while her mother was a skilled healer with magicks. Together, they worked to make things a little better for the people, despite some having been hesitant in the beginning due to their draconic appearance at first glance. They eventually had Ariawyn, unknowing of the tragedy that would befall their happy family in the coming years.By the time Ariawyn was around eight summers old, she witnessed The Temple Knights attempting to arrest her parents under accusations of them being heretics. Her parents resisted which, in the end, cost them their lives. Despite the knights having found Ariawyn, they decided not to cut her down by sword but instead burn her alive with the bodies of her mother and father. Miraculously she had escaped and for years she had lived in the Brume, hiding from the knights and doing all she could to survive until the time came for her to finally leave.

a new healer in town

Upon arriving in Gridania, Ariawyn felt more at home among the trees and flora of the city-state than her home back in Ishgard. She had heard good things about Gridania, as well as how it was home to very skilled healers. She was hesitant at first, worried that her appearance might cause the people to shun her and send her off, but they were kind and accepting - especially when the Elder Seedseer herself was one of a special race compared to the people of Gridania. So her studies as a healer began, with Aria throwing herself into learning all she could about healing techniques and that of the elementals that would aid her in her quest to become a skilled healer like her parents. In time, after many years, she finally stepped out on her own into the world to begin her journey to aid people who could not travel to find a healer to help them or were too poor to pay for medical services. Her goal was set in her mind, but she did not think to shield her heart for the upcoming trials it would soon face.

the trials of love

Because of her years of loneliness, it was only a matter of time before Aria's heart began to yearn for the companionship of another. She longed to have a love like her parents had - an unbreakable bond between two souls that never let their love wane.She had thought she found love in the embrace of a man she met on her travels. He was a kind man at first and swore to the Twelve he loved her, but after their marriage and word spread of him marrying a woman of her "unique" appearance, she awoke one morning to find him gone. He had slipped from her grasp and let his words poison her heart like a snake, so she only refers to him now as just that - Snake.Time passed again and during her walk in Gridania, she came across a lost soul. Alaric was a good man, a man she had helped find a place in the company that gave her a home within their walls when she had nowhere else to call home. It was a happy time for them, up until he took a turn for the worst a few moons after their wedding. The two began to drift somewhat apart when life began to get more complicated as Alaric’s Garlean heritage began to put pressure on both their marriage…and Aria herself. In time the two part ways and their story had ended.Aria swore to herself that she would not let herself be fooled again, that she would shelter her heart from the burdens of anymore heartache. Of course, things had changed after her encounter with Gan Malqir, a Xaela from the Steppes who traveled to Eorzea in search of knowledge of the land. After having several conversations with each other, things seemed to change for Aria’s heart. It wasn’t however, until they were in Old Gridania that Gan was kind enough to throw his robe over Aria to keep her dry when it started to rain. As they took shelter, the two ended up kissing for the first time. Gan was a man Aria loved very much for his compassion, bravery, and his strength. He was a skilled warrior and an Au Ra like her, so there was no doubt of fear that he would leave her for her appearance. But it was because of those factors, as well as him risking his life to save hers, that she knew she loved him enough to accept his marriage proposal.Aria’s happiness was short lived though, as there were many struggles she faced shortly after marrying Gan. Her beloved friend, who was like her brother, Kaosu had attacked the couple while on a joint mission, resulting in Gan’s eye to be injured in the fight. There was much strain on the couple as Aria’s guilt got the better of her, as well as the fact Gan felt the need to get stronger to get revenge. Though, despite everything, the couple still stuck together regardless of the hardships. She thought that once the threat of Kaosu coming after them was over, that she could have a happy and normal marriage with Gan. Fate seemed to have a different plan though for the two of them. Gan had left to go on a mission, one he had done before countless times. This time though…he never came home. Only his axe was returned to Aria, who knew deep down that Gan was dead - and once again she was alone, though this time she was not divorced…but widowed. It left her heart a completely shattered mess and love just seemed to be forever out of her reach.

an unexpected blessing

Shortly after recovering from her fight with Kaosu though, she was reunited with Kage Satsugai, a Raen she helped in the past after her second divorce. After several moons of talking and spending time together, the two rekindled their old relationship that Aria, back then, was hesitant about due to her own insecurities after her divorce. Aria and Kage’s relationship continued to grow throughout the year they were together, but during the moons after Aria learned she was pregnant it seemed like things were changing - for the better she had believed. Kage felt it was fitting to propose to her and ask for her hand in marriage considering she was going to be the mother of his children. Despite her fear of the circumstances that usually followed after her marriages, Aria accepted. Eventually, the day of the twin’s arrival came and with the help of her company mates Adelle and Cicero, Aria gave birth to Niam and Jade. Had it not been for Cicero and Adelle, neither Aria or Jade would have survived due to the fact Aria had lost a lot of blood and Jade nearly suffocated. Not long after the twins were born though did Kage leave, Aria believing it was because his work was far too important than having him weighed down by the realization of having to care for his new family. Still, despite being alone once more, Aria had two children to love all to herself. They had been an unexpected blessing in her life, but one she welcomed and cherished the most.

the sun from the east

Aria remained a single mom for quite a long time after that, focusing on her work for the company and her children until she met Ganzorig. He came to Eorzea to seek Aria’s aid that she offered to him back when they parted ways in Kugane. However, the more time Ganzorig spent around Aria and the twins, the more he felt close to the Raen and her children. He claimed to have not seen Nhaama in her eyes, as was his tribe’s traditions, but one night he caught a glimpse of Nhaama in Aria after spending a couple of weeks together learning about their cultures - or so he told her. Her happy relationship with the Oronir ended upon his return to the Steppe; giving Aria only the excuse that his sister was sick and he needed to return home. Aria knew from the look in his eyes that he was lying and only saying such things as a way to ease the pain before leaving her. Her time with him opened up doors she never knew, such as speaking a new language, cooking recipes, and learning traditions from other cultures she knew little about. It was an enlightening moment, but in secret it still hurt her. She began to believe that finding that soul to be her forever companion was something she would never find - that it was simply impossible.

a past and future love

After yet another heartbreak, Aria was on the verge of giving up on love. To live out the rest of her life alone and raise her children with no other man. One day, while she was out gathering new plant samples in Limsa, she encountered a miqo'te man playing with a small girl in the waters. When Aria dropped her glasses, the small girl ran up to Aria to return them, to which she introduced herself to Vael'a Ruhne and his adopted daughter, Anise.To Aria's surprise, this was not the first time she and Vael had met. In fact, they were childhood friends from back when she lived in Ishgard. It was a memory Aria had surpressed with so many others, but the fact that he remembered her warmed her heart to know he cared that much about her after he assumed she had died in the fire.Over the course of a year, they reconnected with one another, their friendship turning into a deep love for one another. It wasn’t until they were in Kugane, that their relationship was put to the test. Vael ended up being kidnapped by his employer who hired him to do some work, but instead had plans to enslave him with other engineers to build magitek weapons at his private estate. Aria set out on a solo mission to rescue him, knowing her company at the time would not arrive fast enough to aid her. Thankfully, she rescued Vael, but shortly after rescuing him Aria herself was kidnapped in retaliation for having ruined the crooked employer’s plans. She was kidnapped and tortured, but Vael saved her after using his own technology to locate her. With the events of Kugane behind them upon returning home to Eorzea, Vael decided to surprise Aria with a proposal of bonding. Although both shocked and scared about past events with her lovers repeating with Vael, she accepted his proposal.The two were wed and still to this day remain happily together, with Aria having taken on the role of being Anise's step-mother and Vael being the twin's step-father. Their love has stayed strong through all the trials they were put through and Aria finally found her forever soulmate.

a new beginning

Now that she is happily married with children, Ariawyn has dedicated part of her time to fulfilling her dream and diving into her work. With the funds she had saved up over the years of working for grand companies, she was able to open her own shop - The Herb Garden. Her shop is currently located in Shirogane in honor of her Eastern family roots.It was later revealed to her by her husband that he had been an inheritor of House Brandeaux in Ishgard - apart from also having been knighted for his work for Ishgard during the war to reclaim Ala Mhigo. Despite the emotional hardship of returning to the city that struck her with tragedy, Ariawyn knew Ishgard had changed for the better now that Lord Commander Aymeric de Borel was in charge. After much discussing, Vael and Ariawyn moved to Ishgard with the children to live in the House Brandeaux manor.

The Ferrand-Ruhne Family


  • age: 33 summers

  • race: miqo'te

  • occupation: marquise of house brandeaux / owner of cat [ coerthan advanced technologies ]

  • job(s): machinist


  • age: 10 summers

  • race: half highlander / half elezen [duskwight]

  • history: an orphan from ala mhigo whom vael'a adopted after the war to reclaim ala mhigo.

  • likes: salty treats, drawing, pancakes, the ocean


  • age: 5 summers

  • race: au'ra [raen]

  • history: fraternal twins whom ariawyn birthed and raised. although their father was not in the picture, the twins took to looking at vael as their father figure.

  • other: jade has very little attunement to magic due to her aether poisoning condition. it's because of this, that she had grown attached to vael who shares her condition as well. niam, on the other hand, has grown fond of following in aria's footsteps and likes to be her little helper when it comes to making herbal medicines for her clients.

  • jade likes: adventure stories, sweets, flowers, mammots

  • niam likes: places with water, chocobos, dragons, his sisters


if you decide to rp with me, please know my replies might be a bit slow. i'll rp mostly in game, but if you feel more comfortable via discord, i will send you my information. must be 18 or older please. no erp on this character.


  • Ariawyn loves tea and anyone who likes drinking tea is instantly a friend in her book. If you know how to brew your own special tea, she’ll ask for recipes. Seriously, she loves tea and will drink about three or more cups a day, so if she refuses tea, you know something is wrong with her. She’ll gladly invite you over for tea, or coffee if it’s more your speed, but she’s more stocked up with teas. She even knows how to read tea leaves as well but usually only does it for people upon them asking her.


  • as an herbalist who sells medicines made organically, she is always one to love anything plant-related. you could be a patient she’s helped before or maybe another healer just looking for assistance. you could even just be a kind soul who wants to bring her seeds or herbs as a friendly gift.


  • aria loves children, but she has her hands full with kids of her own. still, it’s often nice to hang out with other parents to just exchange stories about their kids or even let them have little play dates.


  • aria is usually traveling and bouncing around from place to place when she needs to collect herbs or gets requests to help a sick patient. honestly, you could bump into her at any time when she is out traveling for her work. otherwise, she’s usually found in her shop located in shirogane. canonically she lives in Ishgard.


  • due to her parents having a nomadic history, there is a chance you or a family member of yours may have crossed paths. or you could even be a distant family relative of aria's from the east [can work on details].